I must admit that last week's trivia test was pretty easy so our group is going back to the dusty records trying to find factoids for Regions that will require you to be much more fluent in Raider history.

That said, no one got every question correct last week. We had a tie for first place with three people getting 8 out of the 9 questions correct. They are:
Chuck Olinger
Gay McLaughlin
Jim Rowe
Congratulations! Please take notice (if you know the winners) that all three were from RHS eras prior t
o 1985. I am throwing that trivia gauntlet down for you younger fans & ex-wrestlers. This is a test to see what you really know about our Legacy!
I am leaving the District Trivia test on line for another week or two if you haven't played. So SPOILER ALERT - the answers to the test are below.
Who is the first Reynolds Wrestler to win a District title? John “Bucky” Moffett - 1961 (fyi, Dick Sherwood was the coach)
Who is the first Reynolds Wrestler to win TWO District titles? Bruce Unangst - 1965 & 66
Who is the first Reynolds Wrestler to win THREE District titles? Jerry Diehl - 1975, 76 & 77
Who is the first Reynolds Wrestler to win FOUR District titles? Matt Dunn - 2003, 04, 05 & 06
How many Reynolds Wrestlers won at least one District title? 98 individual people
How many total district champions has Reynolds had? 167 - This was the question that stumped everyone. Some people answered 168 since they most likely found the answer on Art William's site, "ReynoldsWresting.com" (which, by the way I used for many of the questions). Others listed 166 since if you counted the actual title years for each person, you would find 166 instead of the summary at the top of the page that stated 168. However, Art found two mistakes on that page when one trivia contestant asked him. First the title should have been 166 based on the data at the time. He then discovered that one of the Nestors (Aaron or Justin?) was recorded with just two titles instead of the actual three he won. So that, in fact makes the count 167.
What is the most number of Reynolds Wrestlers to win a District title in the same year? 7 - 2003, 2017 & 2020
How many times has Reynolds won the District Team title at the individual tournament? 27 - I won't list every year. This year's title is excluded, so next year, answer 28!
When is the last year Reynolds did NOT have a district champion? 1996 - Again, this year is excluded. Also, like this year, that team won the team point title.
Thanks for playing!