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We can use a helping hand...

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

I know you have been thinking you want to join the RWLC team to help the young women and men in the Reynolds Wrestling Program. You already have the passion for Raider Wrestling. Here is your big opportunity!

You can help...

We have ambitious goals that require efforts from smart & talented people like, you know, YOU! Don't be frightened away with the concern of getting too much to do. All of us have lives outside the club and understand that you can give only the time you have available. That is why more hands will help us achieve our goals sooner.

You can live most anywhere! Most of what we do can be done online from your home or office (if the boss isn't watching). In fact, the original idea of creating the club was to get remote alumni and fans involved. And we even hold our meetings with Zoom.

You do not have to be old! When many of you look at us, you may think you need a foot in the grave before joining the Legacy Club. We actually have a few 20-somethings that are very active and help us. A lot! Consider some of your strengths:

  • You most likely have way more energy than we gray-hairs. Consider it a public service when you give us old folks that big spark!

  • You probably have much needed tech and social media skills. Most of us never used Facebook until the club started. And just what is Instagram, Twitter and those other things?

  • It's a great way to build and maintain life-long friendships with old school buds that have scattered across the country.

  • By the way, those of you with gray (or no) hair and bad joints are more than welcome too!

All fans and supporters are encouraged to join! Yes, most of us wrestled for Reynolds. That's just a natural fit. But we have members, men & women, that never wrestled. Your passion for what the program represents and willingness to help are the major requirements to join us.

What do you like to do?

Here are some of the events and ideas we have in the pipeline. Tell us which ones you like and can best contribute to their success.

  • Fund Raising. Huge topic but it is what we are all about. If you are good at this and can help, we will put you on a pedestal.

  • Annual Picnic - OK, this is something where the physical setup and several tasks do require feet on the ground. But there are several areas where you can provide expertise from anywhere.

  • Ticket Sales. We plan to move most of this task for the picnic online this year. Hopefully the automation of the sales part will make ticket sales easier but we still need help in tracking attendees, etc.

  • Team Captains. Chris Fedorczyk has created a marketing plan for us that calls for people to act as liaisons for the club to specific groups of people - either by geographic areas across the country or by the era (e.g. alumni from the 1970-75 timeframe). If we get this working correctly, it can be a game changer for what we can accomplish.

  • Scholarships for Mat Maids & Wrestling Cheerleaders. We want to start a scholarship offering for the girls too. So we are reaching out to see if the women out there that have served in these roles agree; ...And would help us get it off the ground.

    • Somewhat related, we have discussed what kind of support can be generated to start a girls wrestling team. Just Thinking....

  • Raffles. Like tickets, we are considering putting this online but there are lots of details required to make this happen. As a club facilitating a non-profit scholarship fund, we have legal regulations to navigate. Are you someone with experience in this area?

  • Social Media , Streaming Tech & Web Support. Of course, these three areas require different skillsets but are you experienced in any of these techs? Much of what we do is online so we need people that understand any of these specialties.

  • Streaming. Ryan Hills and Mike Mason have most of the match-to-match coverage planned for this year. But there are events that need coverage. If you are interested in helping, let us know!

  • Manage Team Statistics. Patrick Collins does a lot work to keep spreadsheets updated that eventually get to the website. However, some of the work is tedious and more hands will make the task much easier. Also, you may have new ideas of presenting the stats.

Let us you know If you are ready to join us by either leaving a comment, sending us an email from the Contact section on the Home Page or send us an email to

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